Sunday, March 6, 2011

Now that's LEGO city!

So this guys goes around and for missing exterior pieces of buildings and homes he fills them in with LEGOS. I don't know about you but Legos are one of my favorite past times. I remember having 2 HUGE storage boxes full of them. And more times then not, my brother and I wound up making our own cities rather than reading how to make what was on the bow. This is such an amazing way of combining a toy that you build with and architecture. He took the literal version  of building with LEGOS. This is one of those things that just makes me sit back and think how important it is to be innovative. Wow.. he really did this. As I am posting this I have to go back and look through his stuff. It is just incredible how creative he is. And not to mention how to spice up dull looking brick :)

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