Wednesday, March 16, 2011

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Monday, March 14, 2011

A cup that smiles

Who doesn't love a hot, fresh cup of coffee in the morning? Imagine starting every morning with a cup of coffee or hot
cocoa that smiles at you. Whether or not you are a morning person, that has to lift your spirits. Well, I know it would
make me happy and start my day off on the right foot! Life is so full of anxiety and worries. We witness horrible 
things happening every day. Just turn on the news anytime, morning, noon or night and we hear terrible things. But if we
could start the day with a reminder of just how important a smile is, maybe we could keep a good attitude even when 
things go awry. And if we start the day with a smile and then smile at others, maybe they will in turn make someone 
else feel happy and cared about. It could be a whole chain effect that could have major positive implications. I think that
if I was starting to feel frustrated, I could have another cup of coffee or tea in my happy cup. It would remind me to keep
a positive attitude and in turn, share that happy feeling with others. I love the possibilities a happy mug brings to my life!

Sleeping on a cloud

How awesome would it be to sleep on a cloud? I look up in the sky and think how amazing it would be to float on a cloud. But we all know you can't float on a cloud or sleep on a cloud or even touch a cloud. I look at clouds and see all kinds of shapes. Sometimes I see clouds that look like elephants or cars or even body parts. But I imagine what it would be like to just be able to float while resting in the plush, cottony billows of the cloud. With this cool sofa design, I can make my dreams come true. I can pretend I am thousands of feet above the earth and just floating and relaxing on a cloud. And even if I am really just a couple of feet above the ground, I can still feel special and dream. I am not sure if this cloud is big enough to share with someone special but I am not sure I even want to share it with anyone. I would use my cloud sofa for alone time when I just wanted to think. By being in my own little cloud world, I could use my imagination even more and come up with all kinds of creative ideas. I love what just the thought of being on a cloud makes me feel like. I am smiling just thinking about my very own cloud!

Cool playground

I never want to stop having fun. A playground is so fabulous. You can use your imagination for hours. I love a playground
that has lots of cool areas and things to do. I love the merry-go-rounds that you can spin around faster and faster 
and the long slides that send you flying right into the soft ground. I always enjoy a good set of monkey bars that you have
to grab one after the other with a good, strong grip or else, uh-oh, there you go, falling into the sand right on your behind. 
Looking through a periscope at the other people in the park would be really cool to have on a playground. And if I had a 
playground in my very own backyard, I would want a little enclosed room that would be my hideaway from the rest of the 
world. The swings would be a must because I love the feeling of trying to reach the sky. My playground would be the 
best. It would have all the latest innovations that would make it the playground that everyone would want to have. But 
I would have a unique playground like no others because of my very unique and individual style!

My family's obsession with time

For as long as I can remember, my family has been obsessed with time. Well, being more specific, my mom is
obsessed with time! Which in turn, made my brother and me obsessed with time. We don't like to be late anywhere
and even being right on time is almost on the verge of being late. Crazy, I know! Therefore, clock radios were all over
my house when I was growing up. When my brother was very young, my mom would ask him if he had gotten up at 
7:30 since she heard him moving about the house. He would tell her, "No, I didn't get up at 7:30, it was 7:27!!!" Wow,
I definitely came by my need to be prompt honestly. My brother and I always got up for school, got dressed, ate breakfast,
and was ready to go right on time. My mom trained us well. I remember she always joked that she made us so 
neurotic that we would need lots of therapy but at least we would never be late to an appointment. Well, I guess it
was a joke!

Monday, March 7, 2011


barbie hero Probably the Only Model Missing From the Toy Scene: Barbie the Architectbarbie hero2 Probably the Only Model Missing From the Toy Scene: Barbie the Architect

Ok so your probably wondering... why the hell are you posting a blog about Barbie?? Well lets take a closer look shall we? Is that a drafting tube that little miss Barbie is carrying? I see straight lines on that paper, what about the hardhat.... and let's not forget.. the glasses... Ladies and gentlemen, what we have here is Barbie the Architect..... (but since I'm studying Interiors), let's call her Barbie, the designer. This post is dedicated to my adored colleagues and fellow classmates. When I found this I was in shock but what made this sooo intriguing to me was the comments people left about this "Perfect Barbie 'Designer'". So here goes. Well they definitely got the glasses right, ya know with the long 3 days at a time not moving not sleeping, starring into a computer screen.. (which reminds me, I need to go get my eyes checked) and they also got the emaciated part right. Who has time to eat... WE HAVE DEADLINES PEOPLE! But here's where it becomes extremely fabricated. The creators of this barbie must have never experienced  more then one all-nighter... more like a five-nighter.... Let me just say if I looked like that after days of no sleep... damn Im fine! :)... but I know for a fact that that's not the case. Hey Barbie How do you cover those bags under your eyes (I know you have them), or what about the flawless, bump-free skin? And I have to know, where can I get a dress like that? I love "designing" so much that I have to wear building on my clothes. Well, enough picking on Barbie, Ill let her get back to work Im sure she has some document she needs to be working on in REVIT. That reminds me: ITS FINALS WEEK... sketchup here I come

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Ok so this is a concept that I stumbled upon and I really want to know how we can make this come to life!! This is call the Smart Finger and whenever this hits the market I will be in line to purchase it! As you scroll down and look at the design, depending on what you do, you may find that you just must have this gadget as well. basically what this is, is a device that you put on your fingers. This can either be your pointer and you thumb for a smaller scale, or a both of your pointed fingers. This just seems like such a handy tool to have when working on a project, or when in a space and need to take measurements.  The things people create are just incredible to me. Whether or not this could be fully executed is not the point (although I really hope it can), its the creativity, and the ideas of different people. Its so amazing to see what others minds think of. :)