Saturday, February 19, 2011

For the love

This blog post is extremely motivational to me. It shows all forms of dedication, appreciation and the love for art. The artist that patiently spends his time designing and working on his installations is Motoi Yamamoto.  The Japanese artist is admired for his many beautiful works of art such as his sculptures, paintings, drawings but his most statement making installations are his salt mazes.

The concept behind the design of the salt mazes is based on a personal lose of his close sister who passed away at the age of 24 from brain cancer. Many of his designs are based upon the feeling and reflection of what Yamamoto had lost. The forms of most of the works represents labyrinths and intricate patterns. A labyrinth in "layman's terms" is a complex pathway or system of tunnels that is easy to lose direction. These patterns are often ruined and abandoned. The entire installation is made completely and solely of salt.  This is the artist way of holding a memory precious to him that is not attainable through pictures or writings. He finds a way to keep a cherishing moment, although memories change and disappear he can appreciate this sentimental moment forever. 

The reasoning Motoi related salt to the relevance of his installations was based on the death culture of Japan. It is considered "indispensable" in his culture and after the death of his sister he needed a way to accept the realities of death. He achieved this by examining the realism of death and how it is dealt with among the living. He started researching about themes related to the death such as brain death and from this he chose his materials that corresponded. This was how salt came to be his medium for these installations. One of the death customs in Japan is that salt is used in funerals. Motoi now believes that salt holds the memory of life and ever since he starting working with salt has had a special attachment to this medium.  
For Motoi  drawing a labyrinth with salt creates the idea the following a trace of his memory. And as stated before memories seem to change and become more and more vague as time goes on. This is a way for him to express and feel a precious moment in his life that he otherwise would not attain. The direction he takes is unpredictable to him and he will not be sure if he reached his main point until the end because according to him, "lines are curved or cut through my intentions."

Why I love it!
This dedicated loving brother found a passion and a way solidify the memories of his sister. He appreciates her life now rather than mourn her death. For one of his installations, he spent over 50 hours working with 2,2000 pounds of salt, with immaculate precision, heart, and a loving dedication to the value of the project, Motoi created beautiful displays for people to enjoy. He gave viewers a  topic to appreciate, understand, and possibly relate to. 

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