Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Captured underworld

This is such a wonderful display of using the all powerful mind and following creativity.  The outside-the-box creator of this very intriguing art is Jason DeCaires Taylor. The break down of this is, Taylor designs over hundreds of sculptures of human forms. In this case, this is located in Mexico, and with over 400 sculptures, the placing of them are found in an unconventional place of display, the bottom of the ocean. These statues are laid out across the ocean floor and left to become part of an artificial coral reef. The interest to Taylor is the relationship between art and its environment. Over a period of time, and as seen through the pictures, the statues become full of underwater beauty. I already want to be able to explore the underworld through scuba diving (that is definitely on my bucket list) and I could only image seeing this amazing installation. This is such an original idea and motivates me to think different, be original, and to make a statement!


Images provided by http://www.stumbleupon.com/su/93txSF/24flinching.com/word/gold-seal/inspiring-artists/drowning-beautiful/

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